- Help for all users
- Help for scorers
- Help for division organizers
- Help for event responsible persons
- Help for administrators
Help for all users
- Registration is only needed for event organizers, team contact persons, and players who need to create or change data in the system.
- Get familiar with Ultiorganizer? Check the links on the left navigation pane. There is no need for registration to access this data.
- See the division status? Click the name of the division or pool you want to examine.
- Check your favorite team scores? Find the team under the Teams link.
- Find out player statistics? Browse all players or find the players from the team roster or scoreboard.
- Manage your team data? Log in with your team account.
- Enroll your team into a division or add media files? Register with Ultiorganizer by clicking the New user? link.
Help for scorers
- Results can be added without login just with the number on the scoresheet. Select Scorekeeper from the left menu, then click on Quick add result and enter the game details.
- As a logged-in user, you can find the games you are responsible for under Game responsibilities in the left menu.
- On the game responsibility page, you may select Mass input to input many results at once. Remember to press Save after changing results.
- For mobile devices, the Scorekeeper mode, accessible via link in the left menu may be more accessible.
- If you want to input complete score sheets, always start by setting the final result if it is not already set (via SMS or via mobile interface).
- Feed in player list according to paper score sheet.
- Feed in score sheet details.
- After feeding in all the details. Navigate to the Played games view and make sure the game result and game play view appear correct.
Help for division organizers
- You can use Game responsibilites just like scorers to input results.
- Printing scoresheets: See below.
- After pool is finished, teams need to "move" onto next pool before new results can be fed into system. If this does not happen automatically:
- Use the standings (or DIVISION Pool standings) in the left menu to authorize pool moves after pools are finished. (This is not always necessary.)
- Before you do that, make sure that all the results of previous pools are correct! Undoing moves or changing results later can be tricky.
- When all results are collected, go to the following pool and click Confirm moves.
- To undo moves,
- first try clicking Undo all.
- If this doesn't work, you can manually remove teams from a pool by clicking on the red crosses next to the teams
- If this doesn't work, you may have to delete game results in the following pool first. Select Games from just below the pool standings table.
- Alternatively you can go to the Pools view and select Move teams from there.
How to re-schedule?
- Navigate to the Games view.
- Click the tool icon on the line with the game.
- From the opening view you are able to change field and time of the game.
- You can enter a name for the game, e. g. "Game of the Day".
If you have more than one game to re-schedule, open the scheduling view from the Field reservations or Scheduling link with relevant reservations selected if you have the necessary privileges (Scheduling right).
Help for Event responsible persons
- Only administrators can create new events.
- After adding an event, the event menu appears on left navigation bar under administration
menu. The event menu:
- Divisions: Administration of divisions.
- Pools: Administration of pools.
- Teams: Administration of teams.
- Games: Administration of games.
- Standings: Administration of standings.
- Accreditation: Player accreditation.
- Game responsibilities: All games you are responsible for.
- Contacts: All teams' contact persons.
- If event is open for enrollment, in addition of the event menu there is a menu option for team registration. But before teams can be enrolled, divisions must be created first.
Creating a new division
- Click divisions from the event menu
- Add a new division (such as "Open Masters" or "Juniors")
- Name: Name shown in Ultiorganizer, e.g. Open, Masters.
- Type: Division type (open, mixed or whatever).
- Rules: Select a rules template that is used by default for new pools.
- Ordering: Division mutual order in menus and views.
- Valid: Division is active and shown in menus.
- Create as many divisions as needed. Team enrollment is per division.
Creation of teams
In normal circumstances registered users enroll teams for the division:
- Event is open for enrollment.
- Users log in to Ultiorganizer and enroll their team with name and club/country information.
- Event administrator confirms the enrollment from enrollments menu.
- The person enrolling the team is automatically promoted as team responsible during enrollment confirmation.
- The team responsible can add players to the team and update club, team and player cards.
Manual team registration:
- If enrollment is open, add teams from Team Registration menu; otherwise add teams from Teams menu.
- Team responsible person can be added from Teams menu or from users administration menu.
Creating a new pool
- Click Pools from the event menu
- Add a new pool
- Name: Name shown in Ultiorganizer, e.g. Pool A or Final
- Order: Pools mutual order in menus and views. Mutual order for placement pools.
- Visible: Only visible pools will be displayed to the public in the left menu. Continuation pools are typically not set visible before teams are known.
- Continuing pool: A pool where teams are moved from previous pools. Other pools are populated from the list of enrolled teams.
- Placement pool: A pool that is counted for the final placement of the division.
- Template: Pool rule template. You can change pool settings afterwards (independent from the template).
- Only administrators can create pool templates.
- Further pool settings (when clicking on the settings icon):
- Type: Series = round robin pool (all teams plays against all teams in pool), Play-off = first team in pool plays against last team and so on.
- Special playoff template: If you are using a non-standard playoff tree, you can enter the name of an html file here that will be used for displaying the playoff trees. An administrator must have uploaded such a template file first.
- Move games: In case of continuation pool, either none, mutual or all game results from the previous pool are transferred and used for calculating pool standings.
- Played: All games in pool are played.
- Played: Only played pools will be counted for scoring.
- Comment: You can enter a comment here, which will be publicly displayed. Restricted html tags are supported (currently <b> for bold, <em>, or <i> for emphasis, and <br /> vor line breaks are supported).
- Game points: Winning points to reach in a game.
- Half-time: Half-time duration.
- Half-time at point: Half-time after this point.
- Time cap: Time limit for a game.
- Time slot: Total time reserved for a game (used when scheduling games)
- Point cap: Absolute point limit.
- Additional points after time cap: After time limit, leading team +n points are required to win.
- Time between points: Time limit after score and before pull.
- Time-outs: How many time-outs available on a game per team.
- Time-out duration: Time-out duration.
- Time-outs on overtime: How many timeouts are available after time limit reached?
- Team final standings in a division are calculated according placement pools. For example teams playing in Final pool (order AA) will get standings 1. and 2. in division. Teams playing in Bronze pool (order AB) will get standings 3.-4. Using the right pool order is extremely important. In the previous example if Bronze pool had ordering AA instead of AB then standings 1.-2. would be assigned to the Bronze pool.
- Return back to Pool menu to select teams playing in the pool.
Team management
Adding teams into initial pools. Best practice is to have all initial pools created and teams enrolled on this phase.
- Click Select teams from Pools view in event menu.
- In opening view all divisions' initial pools and teams are listed.
- Teams can be moved by dragging from one pool to another.
- Teams initial ranking in pool is same than teams order in pool.
- Finally press save to save changes.
Adding teams into Continuing pool.
- Create a Continuing pool
- Click Move Teams link in pool view
- In opening view all moves to this pool are listed.
- Click manage moves again if necessary.
- Now you can add moving rules: Team from pool X on standing n will be moved to this pool on standing m. Name in schedule is used when you create and schedule games before teams playing in pool are known.
- Return to previous page.
- If all games are played, team standings are correct in from pool, all moves are created and moving games are listed correctly, you can confirm the moves by clicking Move teams in the pool view and then Confirm moves.
- If teams mutual standings are not calculated correctly, you can correct them trough the standings link in left menu.
Creation of games
- Click game management in Pools view.
- For initial pools, make sure that all teams wanted are selected in the pool.
- You can usually first create all pools and moves and teams in initial pools, then click Generate all games at the very button of the pools page. If this does not work for you, can can do it manually:
- Click game manegement
- For continuing pools, if teams are not moved yet, scheduling names are used instead of team names.
- Before creating the games, you can check games by clicking show games button.
- Create games by clicking Generate all games button.
- You can also create single games, but normally this it is not needed.
- If any games for a pool have been created, the Game management link does not appear any more or is not bolded any more. If you have to change something, click on Game management or Playoff games instead and delete all pool games by clicking the red cross. Then go back to the Pools screen and select Game management once again.
Handling swiss tournaments
- For creating a swiss tournament phase you first create a pool of type "swissdraw" and add teams as normal in the pools view.
- Choose 'Game management', select a number of rounds, and click "Generate all games". A number of new pools is created for every round with appropriate (preliminary) team moves.
- Set up the rest of the tournament, scheduling, and optionally select the last round as placement pool.
- Start the tournament and enter results for the first round.
- In the pool view select "Move teams" for the next round. You might be asked to resolve ties. Then the ranking is modified, so that teams do not have duplicate games if possible. Hit the "Confirm moves" button to start the next round.
- Continue entering results and moving teams for subsequent rounds until finished.
Game scheduling
- Select Scheduling.
- Create physical locations by clicking Add location at the bottom of the page (or from the Field locations option in the administration menu).
- Use the search function to see if your location is already in the database. If not:
- Click the Add button.
- Name: Name of the place.
- Address: Place address. After entering the address, click the fetch coordinates link. This should show the location on the map.
- Info: Additional information about the location.
- Fields: Number of fields in the location.
- Indoor pitch: If fields are indoor fields.
- Save your location by clicking on Add.
- Create a field reservation for a physical field by clicking Add reservation at
the bottom of the Field reservation screen (or from Field reservations in the administration
- Date: Day of reservation.
- Start time: Reservation starts at.
- End time: Reservation ends at.
- Grouping name: Reservations are grouped by given name, e.g. Day 1. You may leave this blank, but games in the game responsibilites view can be grouped by this.
- Fields: Field number. If you want to use more than one field for the same reservation, enter numbers separated by commas e.g. 1, 2, 3.
- Location: Physical location of field. Should be one of the locations defined above.
- After adding reservations, return to the field reservation view.
- You may restrict the selection of locations by using the search function at the top of the page and searching by date, location, grouping name or field.
- Choose the field reservations you want to schedule.
- You may enter times (in minutes) that should be available between games into the Transfer times matrix. For example, if you want to make sure that any team playing on field number 2 has at least 60 minutes before the may have a game at field 4, enter 60 into the fourth column of the second row of the matrix. These times will be enforced before a schedule is saved.
- Click Schedule selected.
- From the following view you can see the chosen reservations and all unscheduled games.
Games are color coded by pool.
- Drag and drop games to reservation slots
- With the x in top right corner you can hide a game. This will not remove the game itself.
- You can add breaks between games by adding pauses.
- Click save button to save schedule. This also checks if the Transfer times are satisfied or if teams play at two places at once.
Accreditation of players
Not all of this may work properly, except for the SLKL customization...
After team responsible persons have updated their roster, the players' eligibility must be confirmed by an event administrator.
- From the Accreditation menu you can do automatic accreditation against a predefined list and confirm players who have played without accreditation (e.g. player is new in roster and there has not been time to do accreditation before game).
- From the Teams event menu you can click the roster link and make manual accreditation for each player in the selected team.
Print Score Sheets
- To print the (blank) score sheets for which you are responsible, you can proceed in three ways:
- Via the Games link
- Via the Scheduling link
- Via the Game responsibilities link
- You will be taken to a pre-filled page where you can print the score sheets in a long or compact version.
- In the selection menu at the bottom, you can select one or more pools, reservations, or games using detailed search options and print the score sheets for them.
How to add media links?
- Navigate to any team card, player card or Game play page
- On the bottom of the page there is add media link
- Media type: image or video.
- URL to media file.
- If name is given, it is shown instead of URL.
- Optional owner for this media file. Typically copyright holder.
- In media links for games game time can be given. If time given link is shown together with other game events on Game Play page.
Help for administrators
Administration menu
- Events: Season and tournament management and new creation of new season/tournament.
- Pool formats: Pool rule and playing form templates. All pools created based on templates.
- Clubs & Countries: All clubs and countries in system. Depending of season/tournament type team belongs to a club and/or a country.
- Field locations: Physical fields. These locations are referred from field reservations.
- Field reservations: Field reservations. All season/tournaments share the reservations.
- Translations: Administration interface for database string translation, like pool names.
- Users: User management interface.
- Logs: System event logs.
- Database: Database administration interface.
- Settings: System settings.
- Helps: Help documents.
- Personal settings: Personal settings are available by clicking own name on top right corner.
Creating a new Season/Tournament
- Open Events from administration menu.
- Select Add
- Event id: Select short indentification string for event (e.g. WUCC2010 or WU23UC).
- Name: Longer name shown in most of views (e.g. WUCC 2010).
- Tournament: If event is a tournament, otherwise it is a season.
- International: If event is international, in international events teams' have country.
- For national teams: If event is for national teams, otherwise it is for club teams.
- Spirit mode: The kind of spirit points awarded.
- Comment: You can enter a comment here, which will be publicly displayed. Restricted html tags are supported (currently <b> for bold, <em>, or <i> for emphasis, and <br /> vor line breaks are supported).
- Starts: Day when event starts.
- Ends: Day when event ends.
- Open for enrollment: When selected, all ultiorganizer users can register a team to this event.
- Enrolling ends: Informative day shown to users. Does not restrict enrollment even after this day.
- Playoff templates: A web adminstrator may upload a playoff tree template in cust/default/layouts or cust/YOURSKIN/layouts for use in playoff pools.